Welcome to SavingBabiesMT.com
Our community is made up of Montanans from all walks of life. We are united as one in protecting the most vulnerable in our society… the unborn child.
If you would like to join us in protecting life, contact us to learn about how you can get active in your local community. The unborn need your help!

Mission Statement:
“Our mission is to promote the inherent dignity of all people, born and unborn… and to protect innocent human life from conception.”
The value of our life is not determined by whether or not we are wanted by other people, including our parents. It is not determined by our physical appearance, intelligence, race or creed, the socioeconomic group we belong to, our athletic ability, level of education, age, or our ability to contribute to society based on someone’s standards of contribution.
Our value is intrinsic, given to us by our Creator who fashioned each one of us lovingly in the palm of His mighty hand.
We need to fight for the rights of everyone, especially those who can’t defend themselves – such as the tiny unborn child, the most innocent and defenseless of our human family…
— Dr. Annie Bukacek Physician in Kalispell President, Montana ProLife Coalition