CI 128 provides for Abortion Through Baby’s Ninth Month
CI 128 cleverly, deceptively, provides for abortion through the ninth month for any reason whatsoever.
Here’s how…
The third line of CI 128, after discussing death before viability states,
“It would prohibit the government from denying or burdening access to an abortion when a treating healthcare professional determines it is medically indicated to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health.”
Understand that mother’s health includes mental health, and mental health can be broadly defined. It is estimated that 96% of people have a conscience. If that is true, the majority of mothers are under some type of stress if they are considering destroying their unborn child. Stress can include severe mental illness, but more likely the stress is I the form of coercion from the child’s father or grandparents, can include financial difficulties, loss of work or a new job… If Montanans vote for this measure, it is because they are deceived. It would be a rare Montanan who would support the killing of unborn babies through the ninth month. Do not be among the deceived. VOTE NO on CI 128.
— Dr. Annie Bukacek Physician in Kalispell President, Montana ProLife Coalition

Abortion Is Never Necessary To Save The Life Of The Mother
Do not be fooled by the language of the pro-abortion CI-128. The pro-life movement does not place the rights of the unborn over that of the mother, but equal rights for both. If everything reasonable is done to save both mother and child and the child dies, that is not abortion. Along these lines, procedures that end ectopic pregnancies are not abortions. In Kalispell, there was a mother who had to have an emergency C section when she was 20 weeks pregnant… an age when many babies wouldn’t make it. Still, it was right and proper to do the surgery. The mother and baby lived…great. But, if that baby had died, that would not be considered abortion. VOTE NO on highly deceptive Pro-Abortion CI-128.
— Dr. Annie Bukacek Physician in Kalispell President, Montana ProLife Coalition
Consequences of CI-128
- When debating legislation, legislators are always looking for unintended consequences. If you are pro-life or pro-choice, CI-128 must be a major concern.
- Hidden in the text of the initiative is language that gives blanket immunity to abortion providers for malpractice, incompetence or outright criminal behavior. In the complete text of CI-128 it says, “The government shall not penalize, prosecute, or otherwise take adverse action against a person for aiding or assisting another in exercising their right to make and carry out decisions about their pregnancy.”
- This means that no matter how inept a provider performs, there will be no recourse for those that have been damaged. Montana’s tort laws are a protection for citizens that have been damaged in their person or property. Medical providers carry malpractice insurance for these reasons.
- CI-128 would exempt abortion providers from making whole those that have experienced a botched abortion, neglectful behavior or outright carelessness.
- Women in Montana deserve better. Don’t change the constitution. Vote no on CI-128.
— Sen. Keith Regier, R-Kalispell